What started out as an adorable scheme to fool their friends made by identical, nine year old twins, Sasha and Lori Higgins, ended in unfortunate tragedy late last night. While the two are identical in physical appearance, and were seemingly equally adorable, Lori Higgins apparently hid a “dark and unholy life” from her family. While Lori would have cute little tea parties in which all the fluffiest toy bears were invited by day, by night she would wander the streets, selling herself unremorsefully for heroine and fun. Early reports have stated that although Lori gave the illusion of being a girl so sweet she could be, quote, “nectar,” this could not be any further from the truth, therefore being a substance more like “un-nectar” or “non-nectar.”
Reportedly the girls switched places at around 4 p.m. yesterday evening, in order to play a “totally awesome” trick on their friends. All went according to plan, until the weight of all Lori’s un-holiness came ripping through Sasha from the hand-gun of an angry client of Lori’s who mistook Sasha for her sister. An eye witness at the scene, who wishes to remain anonymous said it was “the
A drawing made by Lori, which depicts her sister (farthest left) and Lori with one of her clients standing naked, pulling a wheelbarrow
most adorable thing [he] had ever seen, the way those two acted just like Mary-Kate and Ashley in the movies was just precious,” then Steve Grings (address 45321 Hallibut Way, WA) went on to say, “but then Sasha got shot, and that wasn’t as adorable.”
For two whole years Lori apparently span the wheelbarrow of deception, but with the tragedy last night, her website of lies finally came crashing down.
Folded Ice Dyeing
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
it reminds me of the olsen twins....
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